Are You Experiencing Brain Fog? Here Are Some Tips To Help You Get Rid Of Brain Fog

Working from home was a novelty during the initial lockdown, but it has since become part of ‘the new normal and something we’ve all become accustomed to. However, working from home is not without its drawbacks, with many individuals claiming to be unable to turn off and work late into the evening.

This all-work-and-no-play mentality may rapidly lead to brain fog, and while it occurs in office settings as well, it is more common when the borders between work and home are blurred. Brain fog may affect everyone due to various factors, so if you’re seeking methods to combat it, these top recommendations can help.

What is brain fog?

When you feel foggy, unfocused, disorganized, and unable to think clearly, your brain is delivering a vital signal that there is an imbalance in your life that needs to be addressed. Brain fog can manifest itself in a variety of ways.

Brain fog, which can range from mild to severe, is connected with poor memory, inability to focus effectively, failure to retrieve information, and a lack of clear thinking, and can have a detrimental impact on all parts of our life. When we battle with our memory and capacity to acquire, store, keep, and recover knowledge that we have previously encountered or learned, we may suffer from brain fog.

You could find it challenging to focus on professional duties, discussions, or simply the words you’re reading right now. You may be unable to make a choice or minor decisions and require more coffee to focus, more food to keep up, and more drink at night for a brief reprieve from the fog. You may experience headaches, visual issues, or nausea in more severe situations.

What causes brain fog?

There are several causes of brain fog; however, the most prevalent ones are:

• Stress
• Inadequate sleep
• Hormones, particularly during pregnancy
• Poor dietary habits
• Specific drugs
• Underlying medical disorders and conditions
• Water deficiency

Brain fog is supposed to develop when the body is in an inflammatory condition since this slows down the transmission between neurons in the brain, impairing concentration, energy, and focus. But what can be done to counteract this and eliminate brain fog?

Feed your brain

Your brain is mainly made up of fat and protein. Is it reasonable that our diets are deficient in both food groups? Not at all. Sugary processed foods are not your brain’s favorite foods.

Stick to plant-based diets (mostly vegetables, enough protein, and good fats). Get lots of omega-3 fatty acids (for their anti-inflammatory properties), antioxidants, coenzyme Q10 (necessary for energy), and vitamins and minerals to help your body’s natural energy production and repair.

You can also take Natural Focus Supplement to help you focus more and eliminate brain fog. Other supplements you can take include:

L-theanine is derived from plants, notably green tea.

Magnesium – Low magnesium levels are detrimental to heart and brain health; take a supplement to counteract brain fog.

B Complex – A lack of B vitamins adds to brain fog, so take a B complex supplement.

Vitamin C – Vitamin C is essential for immune function and other vital processes, including brain functioning. Vitamin C insufficiency has been related to cognitive impairment and depression. Healthy amounts of vitamin C, on the other hand, can assist improve brain fog.

Omega-3s– According to a study, omega-3 supplements may boost cognitive function and minimize brain fog symptoms. Consume meals like salmon and mackerel, as well as supplements.

Vitamin D – Studies have indicated that patients with low vitamin D levels are more depressed and have more brain fog symptoms. Vitamin D pills help boost focus, memory, and mood and reduce brain fog.

Try meditation

It is easy to get overwhelmed and agitated in today’s hectic environment—stress, whether a job, family obligations, or other things, can induce brain fog.

Meditation, fortunately, is a valuable approach for reducing brain fog. Meditation can help clear away tension and weariness by concentrating your attention and calming your brain, making it easier to think clearly and focus on the work.

Furthermore, studies have demonstrated that regular meditation can alter brain structure, enhancing neural connection and brain function in several areas. So, if you’re suffering from brain fog, consider introducing mindfulness into your daily routine — you might discover that the mental clarity you receive is well worth a few minutes of tranquil meditation.


Sedentary people have a higher prevalence of neurodegenerative illnesses such as Alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive impairment. Increased activity levels are connected with improved mental clarity, memory, and mood.

Exercise induces the release of cytokines, which are helpful chemical messengers, and endorphins, which are responsible for euphoria.

These substances cleanse and revitalize the brain. Every day, try to engage in some form of joyful movement. You can walk, run, or dance. Whatever floats your boat will almost certainly float your attitude.

Get enough sleep

When it comes to work, school or any other impending project deadline, the most common error people make with their brains is to optimize their time by staying up late or waking up early. This usually backfires since sleep deprivation reduces cognitive capacity.

Sleep for at least seven hours every night, ideally eight or nine if possible. The quality of your work will improve while the time required to generate it will decrease.


It might be tough to stay hydrated when you’re locked in back-to-back Zoom meetings or have a seemingly never-ending to-do list, but dehydration can significantly contribute to brain fog.

Because your brain is composed of 75% water, as your hydration levels begin to decline, so will your focus levels! Even a 2% decrease in brain hydration can result in short-term memory loss and difficulties concentrating.

Although it may be tempting to grab another cup of coffee to feel more awake, doing so might have the opposite effect, dehydrating you even more. Instead, strive to drink 6-8 glasses of water each day in little sips throughout the day.