How Much Does It Cost to Rent the Best Porta Potty?

Some research suggests that porta potties actually use 90% less water than regular toilets. 

If you’re interested in helping the environment or if you just need to rent a porta potty, the cost of renting a porta potty can vary.

But how much does the best porta potty cost? Keep reading to find out!

What Is the Average Porta Potty Cost?

There are many factors that go into determining the cost of the porta potty, but on average, it can range anywhere between $50 and $275 a day. If you are going to rent more portable toilets, then your cost may be lower. 

However, it also depends on where you’re going to be renting it, how many people are visiting your event, and where you live. 

If you’re going to be renting them monthly, then the average cost for each unit could be anywhere from $100 to $400 a month. There are also additional fees and costs that you could add on, but it depends on what company you choose. 

A deluxe portable toilet could cost $150, and a VIP toilet could cost as much as $800 a day. 

Factors That Affect the Cost

There are several factors that will affect how much your portable toilet costs you. For example, availability could affect pricing.

If there are a lot of big events happening in your area and portable toilets are in high demand, then the prices will go up. Some toilets might be more expensive in the summer months when there are a lot of outdoor events, versus in the winter when everyone is inside. 

The location you’re renting from will also vary. For example, if you’re in the Midwest, then a toilet will generally be cheaper to rent than somewhere in New York. 

The length of the rental can also affect the rental price. Sometimes there are deals for long-term portable toilet rentals since there are fewer transportation costs associated with a longer rental. 

Are There Extra Costs?

In addition to renting the portable toilet, there may also be extra costs associated with it. For example, if you’re renting it for a month, you’ll need to pay a cleaning fee to have it cleaned once a week.

The cleaning fee can range from $50 to $100 depending on how many units you have. 

You can also pay an additional fee to have a unit that has a built-in sink. If you don’t want a built-in sink in the unit, then you can rent handwashing stations as well. 

There may also be a delivery fee depending on how far away your event is from the portable toilet’s warehouse. 

Learn More About Renting the Best Porta Potty

These are only a few costs associated with renting the best porta potty, but it’ll largely depend on a lot of the factors that we mentioned above.

To find the best price, we recommend calling different companies to obtain a quote and choose the best option for your budget.

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