Why SMS Is An Excellent Way For Co-workers To Communicate

In business communication is everything. Individuals who don’t effectively communicate cannot convey important messages and task instructions. If you are a business owner or manager then you should consider mandating SMS use; SMS is easily the best way for co-workers to communicate with each other.

If you are interested in integrating SMS messaging into your business’s operations then this post has you covered. You will learn about why SMS is an excellent way for co-workers to communicate and how you can begin using it as a method of communication in your company.

Customer Queries

Employees aren’t the only ones who can communicate with you using SMS. According to the specialists from Clerk Chat, you can transform your business’s phoneline into a textable number.  Consumers can then send inquiries and questions directly to it.

Receiving queries via SMS is a lot easier than email. The reason for this is that businesses tend to receive spam and junk emails on a daily basis. Separating the wheat from the chaff can therefore be time-consuming and very irritating. A number that consumers can message will also make their lives much easier, saving them the trouble of having to write emails.

More Affordable

As a messaging medium, SMS is a lot more affordable. Subscriptions to SMS services cost significantly less than messaging ones do. It is important to conduct extensive research before signing up for a service of any kind, however. Ensure you are getting a good deal for your money.

Spend time researching and making sure that the service you are planning on working with delivers a high-quality service; one way of doing this is by reading reviews. An organisation’s reviews will tell you a lot about it. Reviews give you a clear picture of what it’s like working with a company.

Direct Contact

When you have a single textable number, conveying messages is a lot easier. Most businesses have several email addresses and numbers they use to communicate with customers. By having a single phone number consumers won’t have to frantically search for your contact information when they want to talk to you.

As well as a textable number it’s a good idea to have a dedicated phone line that consumers can ring to get hold of you. Not everybody’s issues can be resolved through SMS messages; more important ones can only be dealt with via voice calls.

Easily Recordable

With SMS messages, it’s easy to keep track of and record them. You don’t have to worry about them getting lost; the only time messages will be deleted is if you delete them yourself. With emails, they can be lost due to device corruption or a failure to perform back-ups. As SMS messages are recorded on a device’s SIM there is no way for them to be lost unless people lose access to the SIM that messages are recorded on. You can also easily screenshot messages if they are sent to a cell phone.

SMS messaging is a superior alternative to chat and voice messaging services, which have risen in popularity over the course of the last few years. As a business owner, your priority should always be on optimising and improving operations. Incorporating SMS messaging into them can be a good way of doing this.