How to Know When You Should See A Mental Health Therapist

Therapists help people work through the most personal and traumatic times by supporting them in overcoming depression, dealing with loss, and avoiding self-destructive behavior. But many people still hesitate to normalize therapy because of the negative social stigmas surrounding it. Sometimes they believe their family and friends don’t get them and don’t know where to turn for help.

It’s essential to ask for support, and doing so should never be stigmatized. By seeking help, you’ll help to eliminate the stigma associated with conditions like depression and anxiety. For those who aren’t sure when to seek professional help, we’ve compiled this handy guide to help you know when to make an appointment with a therapist.

You Can’t Control Your Emotions

Our capacity to control our feelings and emotions can be impacted by stress, anxiety, and depression. Knowing you’re struggling with stress, worry, or depression is the first step toward recovery.

A form of treatment called emotional management, called emotion-focused therapy, aids people in better understanding, accepting, managing, and expressing their emotions. By doing this, we can learn to react to both positive and negative stimuli in our environment in more positive and constructive ways.

You might also be prescribed antidepressants like Escitalopram. One reliable brand name for this prescription drug is Lexapro. You can find Lexapro Coupon at local pharmacies and online to help reduce the cost of this medication.


Your physical health directly impacts your mental wellness. Fatigue inevitably follows mental exhaustion. You feel worn out, fatigued, irritated, and lethargic due to the stress that triggers mental exhaustion.

Depression, sadness, and other mental health issues are often accompanied by fatigue, along with additional symptoms, including irritability and a lack of motivation. Talking to a therapist can help you find new ways of dealing with persistent stress, whether you’re already feeling burned out or trying to avoid burnout.

Intrusive Thoughts

It is possible to control intrusive thoughts by dealing with the underlying issue, such as anxiety, stress, or a history of trauma. The therapist can help even if you aren’t comfortable discussing your thoughts with them, so don’t let that stop you from seeking help if you need it.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and exposure and response prevention therapy (ERPT) are efficient ways to deal with intrusive thoughts and other mental health issues. Rest assured that your therapist won’t judge you because of your thoughts, but remember you’re not there to make an impression. Inform your therapist of everything troubling you.

Social Isolation

To be socially and emotionally disconnected is what we mean when we say someone is isolated. It frequently results in feelings of separation and shame.  Therapy can help, no matter the cause of your feelings of isolation. A therapist can help you figure out how to interact with other people in a way that fits with your unique priorities and preferences.

Isolation can have emotional and psychological roots, both of which can be addressed in therapy. Maybe you’re struggling to make human connections despite a strong need for them. You may have trouble starting conversations, being shy, or both.

Social skills training is a possible therapeutic goal in such instances. Moreover, depression and anxiety are common barriers that can be overcome with therapy.


Feeling hopeless is a strong emotion that can lead to a negative state of mind and alter one’s view of oneself, others, one’s life, and the world. One of the effects of hopelessness is a loss of interest in previously valued interests, whether people, places, or objects.

Several studies suggest that persons who are feeling hopeless can often restore hope and attain long-term mental well-being through therapeutic intervention. Cognitive therapy has been shown to be helpful for people who are feeling hopeless. Negative assumptions and thoughts are the focus of this form of therapy.

As part of the treatment process, patients receiving cognitive therapy are expected to critically examine the validity of their assumptions, which can be difficult for those struggling with hopelessness.

Sleeping Problems

Sleeping problems are typically symptomatic of underlying problems like stress, anxiety, or depression. Hypersomnia, in which a person sleeps more than usual, is a common symptom of depression.

Insomnia, on the other hand, is also common in depressed individuals. Insomniacs are ten times more likely to experience clinical depression than those who don’t have the condition.

If you’re having trouble sleeping, seeing a doctor is the best way to figure out what’s causing it and get it under control. Talking to a therapist about your sleeping problems may also be helpful.

Substance Use

In some cases, using recreational drugs might result in long-term issues with one’s mental health. Drug abuse is more common in people with mental health issues like depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia.

Many patients undergoing treatment for substance abuse disorders rely heavily on counseling. You can keep your abstinence with the support of cognitive-behavioral treatment, family therapy, or other forms of talk therapy. Psychotherapy can also help address other mental health issues that typically contribute to substance abuse.


The benefits of seeing a therapist regularly are similar to seeing a dentist for examinations. Both are important for maintaining good physical and mental health. Sometimes all it takes to feel better is to talk about your feelings with someone who will listen and offer encouragement. Just putting your thoughts and feelings into words is often incredibly therapeutic.