You Are What You Eat: But Do You Know Exactly What You’re Eating?

The ancient phrase “you are what you eat” has taken on fresh significance in the 21st century, where diet choices play a critical role in our health and well-being. Despite the abundance of dietary information available, many of us are still unsure about what we’re putting into our bodies – yet it’s essential to understand how what we consume can affect our bodies. This article will delve into the importance of knowing what you eat.

The Importance of Knowing What You Eat

Understanding what you consume is crucial for multiple reasons. Primarily, it allows you to make informed decisions about your nutrition and health. With obesity and diet-related diseases on the rise, making conscious food choices can significantly influence your well-being.

Secondly, knowing what you eat helps to identify potential dietary insufficiencies or excesses. If you’re in tune with your nutritional intake, you can adjust your diet or consider supplements to meet your body’s requirements.

Finally, it aids in making ethical and environmentally conscious decisions. As consumers, we can choose to support companies with responsible practices that respect animal welfare and environmental sustainability.


Sometimes, diet alone might not provide all the necessary nutrients, leading individuals to consider dietary supplements. Supplements can be beneficial in treating specific nutrient deficiencies or particular life stages, like pregnancy or older age. However, it’s important to remember that supplements are not a substitute for a balanced diet and should only be taken under professional guidance. Some supplements are already in our diet – turmeric in a turmeric latte, calcium in milk and yoghurt, and vitamin C in citrus fruits.

However, among the wide range of supplements available, CBD, a compound found in cannabis, has gained significant attention, and you won’t find it in food. Marketed as a potential remedy for various health conditions, such as anxiety, inflammation, and pain, CBD has found its way into a myriad of products. It’s a massive industry with products in every form – from gummies to topical creams.

Emerging research suggests that CBD may have potential health benefits. However, it’s crucial to understand that the FDA does not regulate CBD in the same way it regulates dietary supplements and drugs. This lack of regulation can lead to inconsistencies in product quality, such as the amount of CBD present and potential contamination with other substances. Therefore, it’s essential to choose products from reputable companies that provide third-party testing.

Deciphering Labels

Food labels are a key tool for understanding what we eat. However, they can often be confusing. Learning to read and interpret nutritional labels, ingredient lists, and health claims can guide us toward healthier food choices. Remember, a shorter ingredient list often signifies less processed food, which generally translates to healthier options.

As the saying goes, knowledge is power. In the context of diet, understanding what we consume equips us with the power to make informed decisions about our health. Whether reading food labels or considering supplements like CBD, every conscious choice contributes to a healthier life.

However, remember that the world of nutrition is complex, and what works for one person might not work for another. Always consult with healthcare professionals before making any significant dietary changes or starting any new supplements. After all, when it comes to your health, you want to be sure you’re not just eating but eating right.