What Does It Take To Become A Scrum Master? Here’s What You Should Know

The scrum master is responsible for ensuring that the team is both efficient and effective. They do this by removing any roadblocks that may be in the way, and by helping the team stay on track. If the team is efficient but not effective, then the scrum master will work to ensure that the team is meeting its deadlines and producing high-quality work. If the team is effective but not efficient, then the scrum master will help them to streamline their process so that they can be more productive.

But what does it take to be a scrum master? Here are seven things that you should know.

1. The scrum master is not the boss

The scrum master is not the boss of the team, but rather a facilitator. They help the team to stay organized and focused, and they make sure that everyone is on the same page. However, they do not make decisions for the team. That is up to the team members themselves.

For example, if the team is having trouble agreeing on a course of action, the scrum master will help to facilitate a discussion. But ultimately, it is up to the team to decide what they want to do. Similarly, if there is a conflict within the team, the scrum master will help to mediate, but they will not take sides or make a decision for the team.

If you are wondering what it takes to be a scrum master, one of the most important things is the ability to facilitate discussions and help the team to reach consensus. All this and more can be acquired through professional scrum master training that is available online, you just need to do a bit of research. Keep in mind that a scrum master is not the same as a project manager.

2. The scrum master is a servant leader

The scrum master is a servant leader, which means that their primary goal is to serve the team. This includes making sure that the team has everything they need to be successful, and removing any obstacles that may be in their way.

It is also the scrum master’s responsibility to protect the team from outside distractions and interruptions. For example, if a senior manager wants to know why the team is not meeting its deadline, the scrum master will explain that it is because they are following the process and they need to trust the team. Plus, the scrum master will make sure that the team has the time and space they need to do their work without interruption.

3. The scrum master is a coach

The scrum master is a coach, which means that they help the team to improve their performance. They do this by providing feedback and coaching the team on how to be more effective. For example, if the team is not meeting their deadlines, the scrum master will help them to understand why and how they can improve.

The scrum master is also responsible for ensuring that the team members are continuing to learn and grow. This includes providing training and development opportunities, as well as making sure that the team is aware of new trends and developments in their field.

4. The scrum master is a problem solver

The scrum master is a problem solver, which means that they are always looking for ways to improve the team’s process. For example, if the team is having trouble agreeing on a course of action, the scrum master will help to facilitate a discussion. But ultimately, it is up to the team to decide what they want to do. Similarly, if there is a conflict within the team, the scrum master will help to mediate, but they will not take sides or make a decision for the team.

The scrum master is also responsible for ensuring that the team has everything they need to be successful. This includes making sure that the team has the right tools and resources, as well as providing training and development opportunities.

5. The scrum master is a communicator

The scrum master is a communicator, which means that they are responsible for keeping everyone informed about the team’s progress. This includes communicating with the product owner, stakeholders, and other teams.

The scrum master is also responsible for ensuring that the team members are aware of their responsibilities and are held accountable for their actions. For example, if a team member is not meeting their deadlines, the scrum master will have a discussion with them to find out why and help them to get back on track.

6. The scrum master is a leader

The scrum master is a leader, which means that they are responsible for setting the direction for the team. This includes setting the team’s goals and priorities, as well as ensuring that everyone is aligned with the team’s vision.

The scrum master is also responsible for motivating the team and helping them to stay focused on their goals. For example, if the team is starting to lose morale, the scrum master will help to boost their spirits and keep them motivated.

7. The scrum master is a diplomat

The scrum master is a diplomat, which means that they are responsible for managing relationships. This includes maintaining communication between the team and other stakeholders, as well as mediating conflicts.

The scrum master is also responsible for promoting the team’s work. For example, if the team has developed a new feature, the scrum master will help to spread the word and get people excited about it.

So, what does it take to become a scrum master? As you can see, there are many skills and qualities that are required. But if you have the desire to learn and the willingness to work hard, then you can definitely succeed in this role. The scrum master is an important part of any team, and they play a crucial role in ensuring that the team is productive and successful. So if you want to make a difference in your workplace, consider becoming a scrum master.